In the United States alone, over 58 billion animals are slaughtered for human consumption each year. To put that into perspective, keep in mind the fact that there are just over 7 billion humans living on this planet right now. Before these innocent animals are brutally murdered, they are mutilated, caged, drugged, mercilessly beaten, and deprived of proper nutrition, water, fresh air, and room to move. Many of these animals won't survive long enough to be slaughtered or won't be considered "desirable" for consumption by humans. Many animals die during the rough and stressful transport to the slaughterhouse, and almost 900 million animals who are too sick or weak or crippled from being malnourished and mistreaten, will either be slaughtered and sold to pet-food companies or tossed aside and left to die from exposure.
In 1986, Gene Baur and his then wife, Lorri Houston, were investigating the Lancaster Stockyard and their practices, when they arrived at the "dead pile," a pile, as I mentioned earlier, of sick animals left to die from exposure. Amongst the dead animals, Gene spotted a sheep who blinked her eyes. Gene rescued her from the pile, put her in his Volkswagen van and took her to a veterinarian, fully expecting to have to put the sheep down. Instead the sheep, later named Hilda, perked up a bit and Gene was able to nurse her back to health. Hilda lived a healthy life for the next eleven years. Hilda legitimized Gene's cause and inspired him to create Farm Sanctuary, an organization that not only rescues farm animals from terrible conditions in factory farms and cares for them in one of their 3 sanctuaries, but works to change the way society sees and treats farm animals, promoting a cruelty-free society.
In the last 26 years, Farm Sanctuary has rescued thousands of animals, cared for them, and given them peaceful homes. During this time they've also fought to change legislation regarding factory farming and helped businesses become more animal-friendly. Every year, they organize a Walk For Farm Animals, taking place in several cities across the U.S., in order to increase awareness of factory farming, spread compassion, and raise funds to help them continue to rescue animals and fight to end factory-farming.
My family and I walked in last year's Walk For Farm Animals, and we are doing it again this year. We believe that all living beings are equal and have an equal right to exist on this planet in peace. Humans are the same as cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, goats, sheep, and all other animals, the only difference being that humans have a voice. We, along with Farm Sanctuary, are speaking for the animals because they cannot speak for themselves. This is why my family and I are participating in Farm Sanctuary's Walk for Farm Animals.
Last year, we had so much fun enjoying music performances, a performance by a vegan comedienne, and free vegan food donated by local businesses. There was an arts & crafts table and face painting for the kids, which the twins loved. It was also very moving to see such a large number of people standing together to help save animals and the highlight of the day was a very inspirational speech from Gene Baur, himself. This year's walk is going to be in Pasadena on October 27th, 2012. If you are in the Los Angeles area, and want to use your voice to help farm animals, please join team "Keepin' It Kind." To join our team, go here, and click on "Register Now." You will have to choose your participant type and once you do, you will have to choose to enroll as an individual, join a team, or create your own team. Click "Join a team," and pop-down menu will appear with the list of teams. Choose "Keepin' It Kind." We would love to meet you and have you on our team!
If you are unable to join us, we will miss you, but perhaps you would be kind enough to make a small donation to our team. We have set a goal to raise $500 and we have a long ways to go! We need your help! If you love animals, support Farm Sanctuary, and/or really like Keepin' It Kind, please take the time to go here and make a donation. Even a tiny bit helps. Team Keepin' It Kind and farm animals everywhere will appreciate it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for any help you are able to provide.
To read more about mine and Chris's path to veganism, please check out the new page we recently added, "Being Vegan." There you will find more of what inspired us and a growing list of resources and articles to help and inspire other vegans or those just curious about veganism.
Unless otherwise stated, all photos taken by Chris Miller
© Kristy Turner and Keepin' It Kind, 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material (content and images) without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kristy Turner and Keepin' It Kind with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
i haven't looked at pictures like that in a long time..because they make me want to simultaneously throw up and cry hysterically. but i think i was able to skim what to wrote up top 😉
farm sanctuary is my personal favorite non-profit, as well. i actually adopted a turkey for dayv one year for his birthday 😉 i love that you and your family are able to walk for the animals. i wish i could join you :/ you have an amazing heart, kristy 😉
also, i noticed your new page yesterday and read it. i loved your story. i have never been able to watch earthlings. i've gotten as far as the first minute. i find it incredible that you were able to get through it. i think i would actually throw up and pass out.
and fyi- i went to greece on my honeymoon, and it was definitely a little challenging being vegan 😉 one night i ate an entire bowl of olives for dinner.
I know- I'm the same way. I debated on using a picture like that, but it was pictures like those that made me choose veganism. Hopefully it inspired thought amongst others considering veganism.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Caitlin. You always brighten my day. 🙂 Many of our meals consisted of fruit, tomatoes, cucumber, and olives as well, but we were so new to being veg, that at times when we didn't know what to do, we would have yogurt or feta. I'm so thankful I did, because it reminded me of how crappy dairy makes me feel and totally reaffirmed our choice. I can't wait to do Greece again as a vegan. 🙂
I am like Caitlin. I did almost throw up on one of the earthlings short vid. its been a tough journey for me and hubbs, but i am soo happy about being where i am now. it feels like why did i not do this before.
I just read your new page. i love phil wollen, i kep reading about him becase he is supporting so many of the indian sanctuaries including VSPCA. the debate was just so well put.
i just have to figure out a way to not get frustrated when eople around me fail to see what i see. i hope they will eventually.
Earthlings is awfully rough. We had to pause it several times to catch our breath, but I'm glad we saw it. It completely reaffirmed our decision.
That Phillip Wollen speech is so moving. The first time I heard it, I had tears streaming down my face. What a hero he is to animals. He is definitely an inspiration and gives me hope that others will see the light as well.
Gabby @ the veggie nook
You and your family are beautiful people Kristy and I would love to support you guys in this endeavour. I am on a major budget but I will do my small part 🙂 Good luck in reaching your goal!
Awww, Gabby! You are so sweet. Thank you so much- every little bit helps. 🙂
What an amazing cause to walk for - you totally have my support!
Thank you sooooooo much for your generous donation! My heart is so warmed! 🙂
Courtney Jones
Thinking of the suffering of so many animals makes me want to break down and sob for weeks on end. A few weeks back, Jesse and I were on our way to Minneapolis and we got stuck behind a truck full of pigs. I bawled uncontrollably and plotted ways to save them. It made me ill to think of how much they had (and would) suffer. Something MUST be done about how animals are treated. I am so glad to see there is something such as this fundraiser walk you are doing to help raise awareness. Good job!!!! 🙂
Bex @ Vegan Sparkles
I absolutely love it! Well done for spreading the compassion message. I will tweet to help spread the team message for you and will head on over and see if they accept Australian donations. xxx
I just saw that you were able to donate! Thank you sooooooo much! It really means so much to me! 🙂 And thank you so much for spreading the word!
Richgail @AstigVegan
Wow more power to you and your family! I want to donate but when I click on "make a donation" it keeps asking me for the team name and it can't find "Keep in it Kind". Leme know if I'm doing it wrong. Also, I'm looking forward to sell tote bags on my site and for every bag sold, I'll have some of the proceeds go to Farm Sanctuary 🙂
Awesome! I can never have enough farmer's market bags!
Did you try "Keepin' It Kind" ? THat should work, and it will bring up a list of the team members. You can click on any of our names and the donation will go to our team. Thank you so much for wanting to donate, RIchgail! My heart is so warmed. 🙂
It's so great that you're walking for Farm Sanctuary and getting the twins involved too! It sounds like you had a wonderful time last year, and I can't wait to hear all about this year's event. Farm Sanctuary does some amazing work. It does my heart good to see the animals that they save. Plus, when people visit the farm, it puts a face on those animals who are "rescued" in a sense every time that we choose a vegan meal. When I visited the Orland location a couple of years ago, I felt it had a uniquely spiritual quality. The 300 acres of land are beautiful and rolling, and seeing the animals living their lives peacefully is nourishing to the soul.
Thank you! I am so inspired by Farm Sanctuary we are all big supporters of what they do. We are going to visit the Acton location as soon as it cools down a bit down here (It's been around 80-85 at the beach, and near 100 inland recently). The Orland location sounds pretty fantastic too- I would love to visit them someday too.
Jackie @ Vegan Yack Attack!
What a great post! I'm excited.... Because I just joined your team!! Hopefully I can get some donations for Keepin' it Kind! 🙂
I am sooooooooo very excited to have you on the team! Thank you so much! 🙂
Thanks for doing this Kristy, you are an inspiration to the rest of us!
Thank you for your donation, Somer! This is a cause very dear to our hearts and your support truly means so much to us! xoxo