This year's Walk for Farm Animals almost passed us by. Yes, Farm Sanctuary sent me the emails, letting me know it was coming up and I had every intention of signing up for our third year of participating but it just escaped me somehow. Life got super busy and things started piling up on my plate and I thought "Well, if I miss this year, it'll be okay. I'll just do next year. Sometimes life just works out that way."
Then last week I saw this video from Free From Harm. It is not graphic and it shows no blood. It is powerful, however, and I think it is something every human being needs to see. It reminded me of why I do everything I do. It's the reason I started Keepin' It Kind. It's the reason I share my vegan recipes- to show people how easy and delicious vegan eating is. It's the reason I share information about our trips and the restaurants we visit- to show that by living compassionately, one does not miss out on all of the experiences life has to offer. I am vegan for the animals and ultimately, every choice I make is to help make their lives better. I do this in hopes that someday, there will not be a need for videos like this.
So with less than two weeks left, Chris, Max, Sophia and I registered to do the Farm Sanctuary Walk For Farm Animals. This walk raises money for Farm Sanctuary who is dedicated to rescuing animals from factory farms and other abusive situations and giving them the home they deserve. Our goal is to raise $250 by October 26th. If you live in the LA area, please come join us- we would LOVE to meet you and walk along with you. If not, please consider supporting us by donating to our team (Just choose either Chris's, Max's, Sophia's or my name and make an individual donation). Every little bit helps so even something as small as $5 or $10 helps us reach our goal.
If you want to learn more, I've written several posts about Farm Sanctuary and the Walk for Farm Animals in the past. Most recently, I wrote about our visit to Animal Acres, Farm Sanctuary's southern California location. Last year, I wrote several posts about why we were choosing to participate in the Walk For Farm Animals (reasons #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5) and a recap of our first year doing the walk.
Thank you so much for your support.
Photography by Chris Miller
Janae @ bring joy
Kristi, you rock! Thanks for sharing, you inspire me 🙂
Thank you so much- for your kind words and your donation! 🙂
These cows are so beautiful. I love the first shot...the eye tells us everything! Thank you for sharing your experience, I would love to go there one day!
Oh my goodness I just watched that video you mentioned and it really is the saddest thing I've ever watched. Someone can easily be vegetarian or vegan just by watching this short film. I am crying so much right now; I made myself watch the whole thing but I wanted to stop at about 20 seconds. Why does this have to happen to those poor animals they are so innocent it's just SO heartbreaking to see this. You are right, everyone should watch it because it is very powerful. Thank you so much for not supporting this, together we will make a difference. Thank you
Thank you, Emily. 🙂
So happy you are participating again! Justin and I are planning a Visit to the New York Farm Sanctuary next Summer - you inspired that trip!